Panocover for album titled: Lëtzebuerg zu Fouss

Lëtzebuerg zu FoussSunday hikes around the Luxembourger countryside

Did I ever mention how much I love that little binder with infos and maps on all the hiking paths that are managed by the Luxembourg Ministry of economy?

No? Never?

Well… I do. It’s a nice and convenient way to find paths for a quick Sunday hike, and thanks to them, I’ve gotten the opportunity to explore pretty much the entire country. More over, they’re not too difficult and the markings are completely idiot-proof, so one really gets a chance to lose oneself in one’s thoughts… it’s aaaaalmost a zen-experience! That’s where I do most of my best and deepest thinking 😀


  • Walkin’ around
  • Whenever possible
  • Location(s) :
    • The ministry of the economy (don’t ask why this particular ministry) maintains a hiking path in pretty much every city in Luxembourg, there’s like 200 in total all around…


  • Leica Q, mostly